Thursday, December 25, 2008

"How you receive adds value to life"

"How you receive adds value to life"
May the New Year brings new hopes, new promises and new reasons to celebrate your presence in your lives. Have a Joyous New Year………………. :)
It is better to give than to receive. I am sure that you have heard this many times. I am also sure that many of you believe this. If you do you have possibly caused much unhappiness in your life and in the lives of those who love you.
How often have you been given or offered something only to refuse it "I couldn't possibly take this" or to say "Oh you shouldn't have" What are you saying to the giver, that they have made a mistake, that they shouldn't like you.
You are complimented, on your dress "Oh this old rag, just grabbed the first thing I could find", on your looks, "Gee your hair looks great today" "Oh no." you say "It needs to be washed and it is far too long". What is the message that you send "Are you dumb or what, have you no sense of taste or style, how can you possibly like this"
How often have you been thanked for you contribution to a project and you say "Oh it was nothing" If it was nothing why did you do it? And have you noticed how upset you can become when these ungrateful people do not thank you for having done "nothing".
The problem is that we don't accept or like ourselves. We do not have a sense of our own worth therefore find it difficult to accept that anyone else can think that we are wonderful. In fact the way some people act you would think that there is some cosmic benefit in constantly putting yourself down.
All too often though it is merely a pretence at humility. Secretly you are thrilled. Don't you think it would be great to let the giver know how happy you really are.
Do you enjoy giving? Why of course I do. I am a giver not a taker. Do you get a sense of satisfaction from giving? Why of course I do. Would you say that you are a kind and generous person? Why of course I am, well, not all the time but I do try.
If this is true then why do you deny those giving you a gift, recognition, a compliment, the pleasure of giving? Why do you make them feel that their gift has no value to you? Why do you take from them their sense of joy?
If you truly want to be a "giver" then learn to accept graciously. You do not have to be effusive often a simple "thank you" or "I really appreciate that" or "I am glad you noticed" is all that is needed, but learn to accept graciously because "How you receive adds value to life"

With Best Regards......

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Your life is in your hands.............

Your life is in your hands.
Your life is in your hands, even if it sometimes feels as if you are not in control, as if circumstances force you to do certain things and that you have no choice. You always have a choice and consciously or unconsciously you make choices based on what you think will be best for you under those specific circumstances.
Sometimes you do things that you don't like to do, because the consequences of not doing them are worse than actually doing them. You will normally choose the route that you feel will cause the least pain. Just like paying tax. Very few people enjoy paying tax but the consequences of evading the tax man are so bad that it is better to pay your tax. Actually, you should be grateful that you earn so much that you have to pay tax.
Sometimes the immediate consequences of our actions are so nice that we do not think of the long term consequences that will possibly not be so pleasant. Go to a party, enjoy a drink or six, it is great now, do you think of the headache that you will have tomorrow, and that is the least of the possible consequences, of course not. The food is so good, just one more bite, and, we can't let this go to waste now can we. Consequences, that really uncomfortable feeling when you have eaten too much, got to buy bigger clothes, your old clothes have shrunk by the bite. That food you could not let go to waste has gone to your waist.
What you must do is to consider carefully the choices that you make. What are the possible consequences of those choices, not only now but also long term. Can you live with them? Do you want them? Realise that the quality of your life depends on the consequences of your current actions. The life you lead today is the result of the consequences of your actions of yesterday. Your life is in your hands.
That reminds me of the story of the young man who wanted to trick the wise old man who lived in his town. He caught a bird and with it hidden in his hand behind his back he went to the old man and asked him. "Old man is this bird that I have in my hand alive or dead?" Should the old man answer alive, he would quickly squeeze the life out of the bird. Should the old man answer dead, he would let the bird fly away. But the wise old man is really wise and he answers. "Young man the life that you are holding in your hand is in your control, you decide."
From today, decide to take control of your life, the greatest and most precious gift that you have ever received or will ever receive. Decide to carefully consider the choices that you make and the things that you do, knowing that the quality of your life depends on the consequences of your current actions. Knowing that "Your life is in your hands."
With best wishes

Sunday, November 30, 2008

By controlling my attitude I will ensure

By controlling my attitude I will ensure
that every person I meet to-day will be,
up-lifted, inspired and happier for the meeting.
Everyone wants a sense of significance, to feel that they are important, that they matter. Now, we gain our sense of significance in two ways. Firstly through our connection with other people and secondly through our contribution to life.
Some people, unfortunately, try to gain a sense of significance by belittling others, to make themselves seem important by making others feel unimportant, to make themselves seem clever by making others appear stupid. This is very sad and such people are never very happy. They are constantly afraid that someone may find out that they are just bluff. I am sure that you know this kind of person, the kind of person who brightens up a room, by leaving.
You should develop your significance by helping people. Now the best thing that you can do for anyone is to help them to feel better about themselves and about life. Give each person you meet the greatest gift you can give them. Give them the gift of recognition, see past the label that society may have imposed upon them. See, and acknowledge, the person, the fellow human being, with whom you are dealing.
What would you like people to say about you when you leave? "Must you? Please come again soon" or "Thank goodness that's over". How would you like them to feel when they are expecting you? Would you like them to be excited and look forward to your visit? or feel "Oh no. I don't think I can face it."
Make this a challenge for life. Every day have a competition with yourself to see how many people you can positively influence. Give a smile, a kind word, a helping hand. Make this your daily affirmation "By controlling my attitude I will ensure that every person I meet to-day will be, up-lifted, inspired and happier for the meeting."
To live your best life be true to the YOU, you want to be.
Live up to the reputation that you want to have.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Recipe for success

Recipe for success.
See it - Believe it - Plan it - Do it
See it - Everything is created twice, first in your internal world, your imagination, and then in your external world, your life. Everything that exists to-day was first a thought. It could not exist if someone had not thought of it, because it is the thought that gives rise to the act of creation.
What you must learn, is to picture what you want and not what you fear. All too often we say "I don't want this to happen again" when we should be saying "I want this to happen" Always ask for, and picture, what you want. See yourself as already being the way you want to be or having the thing you want to have.
Not only must you see what you want, you must see it clearly. Describe in detail what your desired outcome is and then take ownership of that outcome. Realise that it must be real to you before it can become real for you.
Believe it - This is an essential element of the process. All too often we say one thing but believe another. We want to lose weight but we do not believe we can. We want to change jobs but we do not believe that there are any opportunities or that we have the necessary skills.
Your belief in your goal must be on two levels. Firstly you must believe that there is value in the achievement of your goal, that it is worth doing. Everyone's favourite radio station is WIIFM (What's In It For Me) What will you gain by achieving your goal? How will your life improve? Remember that underlying every action is an intent and it is the intent that is the driving force behind your actions.
Secondly you must believe that you can do it. You must develop an unshakeable faith in your ability to succeed. Confidence in your ability to achieve your goal is essential to your willingness to take action. Realise that you have already managed to achieve many successes in your life up to now. Build a success foundation foryourself by writing down all the successes that you have had up to now. Imagine that you were applying for the job of achieving your goal and write your application showing all the reasons why you would be suitable for the post.
Plan it - Success is a process not a destination and as such needs a plan of action to ensure success. The funny thing about life is that most people plan their holidays with more care than they plan their lives, but that's understandable I mean holidays happen only once a year and life, well, that's forever isn't it.
Work out what you have to do in order to achieve your goal. What resources do you need? What resources do you already have? Remember it's not what you've got it's how you use it that counts. Set objectives, these are the steps of your journey. Refer constantly to your plan, it's the only way to measure your progress.
Do it - Funny thing about ideas, they won't work unless you do. Now that you know what you want to do and why you want to do it the only thing left is to get started, and the only time to get started is now, (when did you ever do anything tomorrow?)
Believe this, the future belongs to those who believe in and act on their dreams. Faith is the wind beneath the wings of your dreams, belief is the engine and action is the fuel. So take charge of your life and determine your future with this "Recipe for success. See it - Believe it - Plan it - Do it"
With love and best wishes

Friday, October 3, 2008


Careerbridge Consultants is a leading Recruitment organization established in 2004, having Head Office in New Delhi and Branch Office is in Noida, Careerbridge has a rich customer base in India. We provide superior value added services within strict time constraints to offer maximum benefits to our clients. We are a top-end Search firm specializing in senior and middle management levels and in this short span, we have established an excellent track record in IT, ITES, Engineering,Shipping Corporations,Retail,Hospitality and Education Sector etc.
We have great pleasure in writing about our Consultancy Service Division, which has earned and excellent reputation for its quality services, ethics, professionalism and credibility. Careerbridge offers, recruitment as per requirements at various levels as Senior, Middle and junior level positions. We undertake to scrutinize and recommend the right candidates, which will minimize your time span, speedy processing and selection as per your requirements.
Our Service Quality
Our Distinctive Circle of Quality produces successful executive search outcomes. Based on the in-depth market intelligence and a passionate commitment to research, Careerbridge focuses on finding the perfect fit.The organization's mission is to serve the needs of Corporate Organizations and Business Houses by providing them the most competent and resourceful candidates available for the development of their organizations.
Careerbridge has developed a strong and fast growing reputation for dedicated customer services to both candidate and client, which has been a key driver for reference business from our present customers.A Consultancy You Can Trust
This trust is based upon a number of factors:
Confidence in the strength and depth of careerbridge resources: intelligent teams & excellent infrastructure, which can deliver unmatched results.

Best regards
Jatin Narula